Travel with Sanjay Nepal

This blog serves the designs to make proper Hospitality sectors, excellent Lifestyle, revitalized Motivation simultaneously with style to make your existence appealing to other people surrounding you. By this blog and implementing these plans to a certain extent and make your friends go "DAMN. THAT's COOL!


Here are the top 5 tips to be happy and positive in maximum times. 

1. Find an optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation.

  • What is one thing that is positive or good about this situation?
  • What is one opportunity within this situation?
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2. Go slowly.

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3. Add value and positivity to someone else’s life.

  • Helping out. Lend a hand when moving. Give a friend a ride in your car. If he or she needs information then help out by checking it up on Google or asking a friend of yours. Or start a blog or a podcast and share what’s helped you out in life.
  • Just listening. Sometimes people don’t want any direct help. They just want someone to be there fully and listening as they vent for a little while.
  • Boosting the mood. Smile. Give hugs when appropriate. Play uplifting music when hanging out with a friend or suggest an inspiring movie for your movie night. Or encourage when someone has had a bad day or are going through a tough time.

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4. Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well.

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5. Learn to take criticism in a healthy way.

One of the most common fears is the fear of criticism. It can hold people back from doing what they want in life. Because having negativity flowing out of someone’s mouth or email and it being about you can hurt. And being rejected can sting quite a bit.

Image result for Learn to take criticism in a healthy way.

 Start your day in a positive way.
How you start your day usually sets the tone for the rest of your day.
So be careful about how you spend your mornings. If you get going at full speed, lost in future troubles in your mind then the stress, perceived loss of power over your life and negative thoughts will ramp up quickly.
If you, on the other hand, start your day by moving slowly, by having an uplifting conversation with your family or friend or you spend some time with reading or listening to inspiring and helpful articles or podcasts over breakfast or during your bus ride to work then that can make a big difference for how your whole day will go.
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Instagram: sanjay__nepal
References: positivityblog

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About Me

Just one second, and you can change. I am a simple guy with transparency, trying to bring change within myself and the people around me through optimism. By profession I am a trekking guide seeking adventure in life, exploring new ideologies, thoughts, views and passion in life. I see a lot of scope for myself as a tourism entrepreneur by the reason of my love, passion and respect for the sector “tourism in Nepal” “LENS” is a key source of happiness in my life, I love to capture moments in my lens and be captured as a moment in the lens. I am highly ardent towards the field of modeling and fashion. I love to explore myself and develop myself as a person every day. I want to fly in life, run towards my goal and even want to fall down being a failure but I just don’t want to give up from the challenges I encounter in life and go on achieving my goals. I don’t want to take a pause in life. I am trying to be a arousing speaker, I can see that I can bring change through my voice and grab a lot of attention through the voice I raise.
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