Travel with Sanjay Nepal

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List of Tourism Associations of Nepal  

Tourism Associations of  Nepal.

  1. NTB - Nepal Tourism Board
  2. NMA - Nepal Mountaineering Asociation 
  3. NATTA - Nepal Association of Travel and Tour Agent
  4. HAN - Hotel Association of Nepal
  5. TURGAN - Tourist Guide Association of Nepal
  6. NARA - Nepal Association of Rafting Agents
  7. TAAN - Trekking Agent Association of Nepal.
  8. VITOF - Village Tourism Promotion Forum
1. Nepal Tourism Board - NTB :
 About Nepal Tourism Board 

Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) is a national government constituted authorized board which was established with the motto of developing Nepal as one of the best tourist destinations in the world. The board is responsible for creating, managing, promoting, controlling and preserving the tourism spot within the country and aims to make the country as one of the finest targets to travel around the world with a specific brand image. Being established on 1998 by the act of parliament, NTB is regularly operating its activities throughout the country by regularly making and implementing effective rules, regulation and policies.

Having its head office at Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, the board is controlled by a committee that constitutes representatives from the government as well as private sectors who are concerned to the tourism industry. The board is an autonomous body which was structured by the joint combination of Nepal government and various private sectors to enhance and promote internal as well as international tourism industry throughout the country.

Objectives of Nepal Tourism Board 
  • To develop Nepal as a premier tourist destination in the international arena.
  •  To develop, expand and promote tourism enterprise, whilst promoting the natural, the cultural and human environment of the country.
  • To increase national products and income, foreign currency earnings, and to create maximum opportunities for employment by developing, expanding and promoting tourism enterprise.
  • To establish the image of Nepal in the international tourism community in good and the dignified way by developing Nepal as a secure, reliable and attractive destination
  • To do action-oriented research relating to the probable reforms to be made in tourism enterprise in order to provide qualitative services to tourists and for the development of a tourism enterprise.
  • To assist to establish and develop institutions necessary for the development of a tourism enterprise.
  • To develop Nepal as a tourism hub for South Asia.
  • To represent the government.
  • To improve the facilities to be provided for visitors.
  • To coordinate the tourism entrepreneurs
  • To build up technical and financial bases required for the development and implementation of tourism programs
  • To use existing tourism infrastructure orderly and effectively.
  • To formulate and implement publicity programs at various levels
  • To establish the image of Nepal in the international the market as a secure, reliable and attractive quality tourism destination.

Board Members / Structure of Nepal Tourism Board

Nepal Tourism Board is a financially independent legal body being controlled by the members of the joint committee. There are 11 board members having 5 representatives from government, 5 representatives from concerned private sectors and one chief executive officer which are chaired by a Secretary at Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. At present, Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of NTB for 4 years of the period. The representatives are directly appointed by the government and hence a number of suspicions arise among the stakeholders as they believe that someone having no experiences with tourism sector is unable to upgrade the tourism industry in the country. The board members are fully liable to all those stakeholders directly or indirectly connected to NTB. Such stakeholders include plan & policies maker, tourism professionals, tour operators and agencies, academicians, students, Non-Residents Nepalese (NRN), local bodies and the entire well-wishers of Nepal.

To sum up, Nepal Tourism Board, a legislative body instituted with the joint involvement of public and private sector is working for the development and promotion of Nepalese tourism industry for the mutual benefit of tourists, industry, host communities and local bodies for the overall development of the country.

Contact Details of Nepal Tourism Board:

Nepal Tourism Board
Tourist Service Center
Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu
P.O. Box: 11018
Tel: +977 1 4256909
Fax: +977 1 4256910

2.  Nepal Mountaineering Asociation  - NMA

About Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)

Nepal Mountaineering Association was established on 1 November 1973 (2030 Kartik 16) Thursday. It is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization working as a national alpine association of Nepal to promote mountain tourism, climbing sports, protect mountain environments and preserve and promote the cultural heritage of mountain people. It is the only national alpine club authorized to issue climbing permits for 27 mountain peaks of Nepal.

Board members/ Institutional member of Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)

Institutional members are those registered organizations of NMA whose main objective is to promote mountain tourism locally and globally. Their annual charge is Rs.500/-. They will have to submit the following documents to get membership of NMA. (1) The application letter (2) Statute (3) Minute of Central Executive Board (4) Registration certificate from Central District Office. The statute should clearly mention about its activities, which must be focused on the development of mountain tourism. The decision to apply for membership at NMA must be approved by Central Executive Board of concerned Institutional Member.

Objectives of Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)

Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) has the following 7 broader objectives:

  • Explore Mountain peaks and promote for mountain climbing tourism
  • Issue the climbing permits as agreed with the Government of Nepal
  • Protect and promote mountain people, culture and heritage
  • Develop and promote skilled human capital for supporting mountain climbing
  • Develop Sports climbing tourism in Nepal
  • Emergency Rescue, Rehab and Humanitarian support for needy individual/community
  • Preserve the natural environment in the mountain region for a sustainable future.

Contact address of Nepal Mountaineering Association 

Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal.

East Gate of Narayanhiti Palace Museum at Radhe Radhe Building

Tel: +977-1-4434525, 4435442

Fax: +977-1-4434578

P.O.Box: 1435


3. Nepal Association of Travel and Tour Agent - NATTA 

About Nepal Association of Travel Agents (NATA)

Nepal Association of Travel Agents (NATA) is well known as the most prestigious and oldest organization among the travel-related associations of Nepal. It has been recognized as an established organization and is playing a significant role in Nepal tourism. It has been recognized as the main representative body of the tourism industry in Nepal. It was established in 1966 by a group of leading travel agents to formulate sound business principles to regulate the travel industry in Nepal. The primary purpose of NATA was to protect the interests of those engaged in the travel business, to promote its orderly growth and development, to safeguard the travelers from exploitation by unreliable agents.

Structure/Board member of Nepal Association of Travel Agents

NATA is a non-political, non-profit making, non-governmental association of travel agencies of Nepal. The number of its members has been increasing since its establishment. Today, there are 165 active members and 14 allied members. NATA also offers provisional membership.

Aims and Objectives of Nepal Association of Travel Agents (NATA)

The aims and objectives of the Association are to:
  • Contribute to the healthy development of tourism industry and trade;
  • Develop goodwill among travel agents on all subjects of common interest and welfare and protect the professional interest;
  • Provide co-operation and consultation with Nepal Government for the promotion of tourism in Nepal;
  • Work directly or indirectly for the institutional mission of all matters pertaining to interests of tourist industry and trade;
  • Enthuse feelings of close co-ordination and professional ethics among al components engaged in the tourist industry and trade;
  • Undertake research work for the promotion of tourism;
  • Obtain national and international recognition for the association;
  • Promote and safeguard the interests of their profession, trade, and industries that are ancillary;
  • Make wide publicity for tourism development;
  • To develop the intimacy of the association with government and non-government organizations;
  • To offer the best possible hospitality, interact with international travel agents, tourism journalists, tourism experts and groups associated with evil aviation during the FAM trips to Nepal. These meetings and discussions will contribute directly or indirectly to the tourism promotion of the country.
Programs of Nepal Association of Travel Agents (NATA)

NATA performs different programs to achieve its objectives:
  • Organize different meetings, conferences, seminars, and talks
  • Actively represent in meetings and conferences on tourism within and outside the Kingdom
  • Collect and publicize data, statistics, and news about the tourism industry and trade
  • Publish magazines, books, and booklets, etc pertaining to tourism
  • Conduct and encourage research works on tourism promotion
  • Submit advice, suggestion on matters relating to tourism promotion to his Majesty's Government of Nepal from time to time
  • Establish cordial relations and exchange delegation with organizations of other countries with identical aims and obJectives
  • Acquire land, buildings and other movable and movable properties, to give and take necessary contracts and to obtain donations and contributions for the association
  • Appoint staff, technical experts or other consultants as required
  • Establish a NATA chapter in different parts of Nepal on zonal or regional bases as per criteria fixed by the executive committee.
  • Exercise the rights provided under this constitution and prevailing laws for the fulfillment of all tasks necessary for Safeguarding the Association's interest.
  • Perform all tasks Subservient to 37 attaining or implementing the aforesaid aims and objectives.
Contact address of Nepal Association of Travel Agents

P.O Box: 362
Gairidhara, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel:+977-1-4418661, 4419409

4. Hotel  Association of Nepal - HAN

About Hotel Association of Nepal.

In the late '60s, hoteliers of Kathmandu realized the importance of joint effort for the development of the hotel industry and they joined hands to form the Hotel Association Nepal (HAN) in 1966. Its main objective was to promote the hotel business and to make Nepal known as an attractive tourist destination in the international arena. It 1s a non-political, non-profit making and non-governmental organization.. HAN has been able to put its remarkable position. This organization is able to project itself as a leader in any sort of decision-making process pertaining to tourism. HAN has produced and distributed publicity materials for the development of culture and religious tourism. Equally, it is concerned with the development of quality service manpower development, etc.

Structure of HAN ( Board of a member of HAN)

It is represented by more than 211 members. They elect 15 members executive committee including the chairman and the secretary for 2 years.

Objectives of Hotel Association of Nepal.
  • To promote the hotel industry of Nepal in the international market.
  • To protect the lawful rights of members and to maintain a good understanding among the members within and outside the kingdom of Nepal.
  • To coordinate with different international agencies for the betterment of the hotel industry of Nepal.
  • To promote uniformity of rules in the administration of hotels in appropriate fields.
  • To advance the standard of hotel education by all means including the interchange of personnel, and assistance in the staffing of hotels and provision of advanced studies and training in the field of the hotel industry.
  • To consider, investigate and inquire into all questions connected with the interest of the members.
  • To advise the Government to formulate and implement any rules and regulation concerning hotels.
  • To take part in national or international conferences, seminars.
  • To represent the hotels of Nepal.
  • To organize joint or coordinated effort to solve the problems faced by hotels or Nepal.
  • To collect donation, raise fund, and utilize its property to finance its activities.
Contact address of Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN)

Kamalpokari, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal

P.O. Box : 2151

Tel No .:+977-1-4412705, 4410522

Fax No.: +977-1-4424914



5. Tourist Guide Association of Nepal - TURGAN :

About Tourist Guide Association Of Nepal (TURGAN)

A bunch of dedicated and well-qualified Tourist Guides, involved in the profession of guiding and lecturing the visitors in Nepal, sat down in a meeting in 1989 and, after long deliberation, decided unanimously to form an organization with the objective of safeguarding and protecting their interest. Such wishful thinking and subsequent effectual endeavor, taken up by them, finally culminated in the establishment, on the same year, of this the august body named as “Tourist Guide Association of Nepal” With the name being figured out, and charter of the organization being prepared by the lawyer, it was duly registered in the concerned Department of Nepal Government to have its legal sanctity and status.
Now it enjoys full authority and recognition in the tourism fraternity of Nepal as well. TURGAN now forms part as one of the fifteen tourism organizations of national level in terms of providing advice, services, and expertise to the government or to the local bodies whenever broad policy matters, concerning the tourism promotion and advancement, is to be discussed and finally approved.

Board of member/Structure/Committee of Tourist Guide Association Of Nepal (TURGAN)

The general body reserves the right to nominate 11 members team, through the election procedure, as being the official functioning Executive Committee of TURGAN, which will be comprised of a President, two first and second Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer and four members with the Past President becoming inevitably as one of the members too. The term of office for the Executive Committee, in accordance with the charter, will be for three years period.

Objectives of Tourist Guide Association Of Nepal (TURGAN)
  • To foster a feeling of brotherhood and amity amongst the member fellow-guides while realizing one’s duty and responsibility in the run-up to making the guiding profession as a successful as well as a progressive venture.
  • To be aware of one’s rights, duties and safety and for the sake of preserving it, get prepared to take effective steps for the restoration and realization.
  • To promote a feeling of mutual understanding and felicitation amongst the national and international organizations for the growth of tourism in Nepal.
  • To make concerted attempt to explore and provide knowledge of Nepal’s religious, historical, traditional, cultural, geographical, social, language, art, and way of life of Nepalese people to the outside world.
  • To build a healthy and co-operative partnership amongst the related tourism entrepreneurs and different bodies of the same line-agencies for achieving perpetual mutual understanding and goodwill.
  • To conduct seminars, the workshop, research on various facets of tourism advancement in Nepal and notify the related agencies including the government with suitable suggestions and advice for timely improvement.
Contact Address of Tourist Guide Association Of Nepal (TURGAN)

Tel/Fax No: 01-4225102
Post-Box No: 5344

6. Nepal Association of Rafting Agents - NARA :

About Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA)

Nepal Association of Rafting Agents was registered (Government Recognized) on 26th December 1989. NARA is an association of all the rafting outfitters of Nepal and is the only one Association where we get all kinds of information about rafting trip in Nepal such as. Rafting information of Nepal, Rafting equipment and the rafting agencies of Nepal. The main purpose of our association (NARA) is to introduce and promote Nepal’s rafting (River sports) in the national and international sector. We trained people and create a job to help the unemployment problem. We promote and advertise rafting in the international sector and bring more tourists to help earn more foreign currency and revenue to the Government.

Objectives of Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA)
  • To introduce and promote Nepal’s rafting (River sports) in national and international sector is a main goal of Association. Association trained people and create a job to help the unemployment problem as well as Association is doing promoting and advertising rafting in the international sector and collecting more tourists, which help to earn more foreign currency and revenue at the national level.
  • It shall provide Nepalese river rafting training as well as the service-oriented training relating thereto to the manpower interested to work in Nepalese Rafting business with the assistance of expert manpower trained in native and foreign countries.
  • To carry out the acts of generating public awareness in the settlements of rafting areas and to encourage them towards rafting business. It shall carry out the acts of generating income and impart employment-based education.
  • It shall assist in the protection and promotion of sanitation of river, stream, lake, pool, and environmental and aquatic animals.
  • To develop, or cause to be developed means and resources by generating social awareness thereby paying the attention to all the nationalities residing in the rafting areas.

Contact Address of  Nepal Association of Rafting Agents

P.O.Box: 3586, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: + 977- 1 – 4244048 , 4221197
Fax: + 977- 1 – 4221197

7. Trekking Agent Association of Nepal - TAAN : 

About Trekking Agency Association of Nepal

In the late '50s Col. Roberts, an officer from British Gurkha, saw these beautiful mountains and most friendly people of Nepal. He was a member of Macchapuchure expedition. He watched and experienced how expeditions organized; Sherpas working as a mountain guide, porters carrying all the lodging and food. A business idea came into his mind. He thought that the expedition type of facilities could be organized in the mountains of Nepal. The only way to see the interior of the country is to walk and the walkers should be supported - that is trekking business. He organized the first commercial trekking to the Everest Base Camp and it became so successful that he registered Mountain Travel in the 1960s. He trained the Sherpas as Sardar, Sherpa as cooks, Sherpa as a guide. He also developed trekking routes, camping equipment, explored camping sites, packing system and service style. Immediately, the trekking business became so popular that hundreds of trekking agencies registered but many are operating as unregistered. 

Structure of NAAN ( Board of Member of TAAN)

Finally the Trekking Agents Association of Nepal was established in 1967 AD. The membership of TAAN is limited to Nepalese trekking agents: the foreign trekking agencies may join as associate members. More than 240 general members and 8 associate members meet annually. The executive body, which is elected every two years has 6 office-bearers, 8 executive members, I president, 1 charter representative and 1 to 3 nominate executive members. The executive body is headed by the president They frequently communicate wIn the concerned bodies of the government to simplify the procedures and solve the problems related to trekking. President of the association is the Chief Spokesperson of the association and represents it at the board of Nepal Mountaineering Associations, Himalayan Rescue Association, Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management Academy (NATHAM) and the National Tourism Council.

Objectives of Trekking Agents Association of Nepal

  • Develop and promote mountain tourism in Nepal.
  • Contribute to preserve the mountain environment of Nepal.
  • Contribute for the uplifting the mountain economy of Nepal.
  • Preserve the rights and promote member trekking agencies.
  • Extend to the best of its ability, help, cooperate and advise individuals interested in trekking
  • make a wide search of the new trails and region are feasible for trekking.
  • Regularize the facilities provided by member trekking agencies to their staff, including porters.
  • Provide necessary opinions and advice to the government for the formulation of the rules and regulations related to mountain tourism and facilities and incentives to be provided to trekking agencies.
  • Promote mountain tourism in collaboration With various governments, semi-governmental bodies, domestic and international NGO's.
  • Cooperate with national and international organizations dealing with trekking and mountaineering training for the formulation of practical courses of the study.
  • Promote the trekking the industry of Nepal in the international market.
  • Coordinate with different international agencies for the betterment of trekking business of Nepal.
  • Take part in national or international conferences, seminars and representing Nepal in the international and the national market.
  • Organize Joint or coordinated effort to solve the problems faced by the trekking business of Nepal.
  • Collect the donation, raise fund, utilize its property to finance its activities.
  • Collect data, do research, and out the trend and forecast future trend.
  • Provide record and information required by its members.
  • Implement the trekking code of conduct.
Activities of Trekking Agents Association of Nepal

TAAN Conducts and participates in various activities. The main regular activities of Association are following.

A. Promotional Activities
  • To organize different meetings, conference, seminars and talks programs on tourism.
  • To participate in fairs, marts, and conferences on tourism within and outside the kingdom.
  • To submit advice/suggestions on matters relating to tourism promotion of Nepal.
  • To publish and distribute a complementary copy of the newsletter, member directory, and other useful booklets pertaining to tourism.
  • To establish cordial relations and exchange delegation with organizations of other countries.
  • To support and recommend its members in promotional activities.
B. Environmental Activities
  • To organize training and workshop on environment awareness courses.
  • To participate and support in the governments World Environment Day program.
  • To organize various environment conservation programs such as Tree Plantation Program, Clean-up Program.
  • 1o organize various student-level competitions to raise environmental awareness among the students
  • To organıze talk program with a view to educating the general public about the importance of tourism and maintenance of ecological balance. Talks are delivered by renowned experts on the subject.
  • T-shirts (with a TAAN slogan and a logo for enVironmental awareness) are sold. The profits from the sales are used Tor conducting nature conservation activities. 

C. Philanthropic Activities
  • To raise and deliver the fund for the Victims of various disasters, i.e. earthquake, landslide, flood, etc.
  • To assist the concern in rescue work Dy Sending manpower on mishaps, such as bus accident, air-crash and other accidents
  • To raise the fund for the maintenance or bridges and roads in the trekking region. 
Contact Address of Trekking Agents Association of Nepal

P.O. Box: 3612
Address: Maligaun Ganeshthan, Kathmandu
Tel. No.       : 977-1-4440920, 4440921
Fax: 977-1-4419245


8. Village Tourism Promotion Forum - VITOF

About Village Tourism Promotion Forum (VITOF)

Village Tourism Promotion Forum Nepal is a nonprofit the organization, which established with the main objective of Village Tourism promotion, Safeguard communities rights to the tourism business. The mission of VITOF Nepal is to aware rural people for conservation folk culture, identify rural tourism potentialities and generate rural income generation activities. To do it, encourage, aware, train/impart micro tourism activities locally sans hampering natural settings furthermore, preserve, revive, conserve multiethnic cultures, i.e., 1 hundred 24 castes and ethnic groups of Nepal. It gives a pleasure of ‘Mosaic Nepal’ of heterogeneity culture, lingo, religion, geo-physiology and diversification lifestyles across the Country. With the objective of promoting village arts, cultures, living styles and values in rural development, VITOF Nepal was established in 2054 B.S. under the initiation of Mr. Suraj Prakash Shrestha as first corporate president. At this moment this forum has successfully completed its 18 years of operation.

Objectives of Village Tourism Promotion Forum (VITOF)
  • To aware rural/ local people for harvesting and harnessing village tourism activities
  • Encourage locals to preserve, conserve, revive indigenously cultural heritage and explore new sites or destinations
  • Bridge rural-urban linkage, divert urban-centered tourism activities towards sustainable rural tourism
  • Attract neighbors, i.e., China and India as a big market place for unexhausted tourists/visitors besides our international destinations- Mt. Everest, Lumbini and Hindu shrines and sites
  • What not to give a new thought or revive the century-long culture of homestay, i.e. Atithi Devo Bhawa in SAARC region and in the global the context in general.
Address of Village Tourism Promotion Forum

Paknajol, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O. Box No: 11475
Phone: 977-1-4700575
Fax: 977-1-4700575


Travel and tourism XI (Ananda Ghimire)
Nepal Mountaineering Association
Rafting Guide Association of Nepal
Nepal Tourism Board
Nepal Association of Travel Agents
Trekking Agency Association of Nepal
Village Tourism Promotion Forum

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About Me

Just one second, and you can change. I am a simple guy with transparency, trying to bring change within myself and the people around me through optimism. By profession I am a trekking guide seeking adventure in life, exploring new ideologies, thoughts, views and passion in life. I see a lot of scope for myself as a tourism entrepreneur by the reason of my love, passion and respect for the sector “tourism in Nepal” “LENS” is a key source of happiness in my life, I love to capture moments in my lens and be captured as a moment in the lens. I am highly ardent towards the field of modeling and fashion. I love to explore myself and develop myself as a person every day. I want to fly in life, run towards my goal and even want to fall down being a failure but I just don’t want to give up from the challenges I encounter in life and go on achieving my goals. I don’t want to take a pause in life. I am trying to be a arousing speaker, I can see that I can bring change through my voice and grab a lot of attention through the voice I raise.
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