Travel with Sanjay Nepal

This blog serves the designs to make proper Hospitality sectors, excellent Lifestyle, revitalized Motivation simultaneously with style to make your existence appealing to other people surrounding you. By this blog and implementing these plans to a certain extent and make your friends go "DAMN. THAT's COOL!


                  5 Tips not to be Boring

1. Proclaim yourself.

Boring is a state of mind - people aren't boring. We feel boring. Proclaim instead that we are awesome, amazing, and interesting.

2. Set a mind with several Options.
Be well rounded as an individual - don't just focus on one or two specific things. You need to seek out inspiration and education from the world around you. Don't isolate yourself. Learn about the world around you. Seek knowledge.

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3. Do something new every day.
Try something new every single day - routine and interesting's kryptonite. Try new food, take a different route to work, listen to something else in the car... break the ruts!
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4. Be Interacting and Learner all time.
Seek and engage someone new in a conversation every day - don't stay in a social bubble, interacting with the same people. Learn from new people to enhance your life experiences and interpersonal relationships.

5. Keep on Improving Yourself.

Constantly seek self-improvement - experiences create life! Try new things!

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About Me

Just one second, and you can change. I am a simple guy with transparency, trying to bring change within myself and the people around me through optimism. By profession I am a trekking guide seeking adventure in life, exploring new ideologies, thoughts, views and passion in life. I see a lot of scope for myself as a tourism entrepreneur by the reason of my love, passion and respect for the sector “tourism in Nepal” “LENS” is a key source of happiness in my life, I love to capture moments in my lens and be captured as a moment in the lens. I am highly ardent towards the field of modeling and fashion. I love to explore myself and develop myself as a person every day. I want to fly in life, run towards my goal and even want to fall down being a failure but I just don’t want to give up from the challenges I encounter in life and go on achieving my goals. I don’t want to take a pause in life. I am trying to be a arousing speaker, I can see that I can bring change through my voice and grab a lot of attention through the voice I raise.
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