Travel with Sanjay Nepal

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Not only does travel allow you to make unique memories, but it allows you to experience the world first handedly.

Travel is important because it fundamentally transforms us. This experience of waking up to the power of your own transformation fires you up to “be the change you want to see in the world,” as Gandhi puts it By taking a break from your daily life, unplugging from the pulls and pushes of technology and engaging in new activities in new places, you have an easier opportunity to release unwanted habits. Also, it is empowering to surround yourself with people who don't know the encyclopedia of your past. It reinforces your willingness to broaden your horizons, to get unstuck and to move in new directions.

Traveling is always a once in a lifetime experience that allows your mind to get away for awhile and allows you to create memories. As a young adult it is always hard to set aside responsibilities or even find the time to take a break from everything. Put into the big picture, there are many reasons why traveling is especially important for young adults.

1. Life goals are put into perspective: When you are able to get away from the stressors in your life, it opens your mind to what is really important. This gives you the opportunity to look at the world from a larger point of view and remind yourself that you are not stuck in the same place you have always been, the world is yours to explore.

2. You have the opportunity to explore new interests: Traveling allows you to gain new knowledge on different cultures and different styles of living. You may pick up new interests and be able to bring them home with you.

3. Being away makes your heart grow fonder: They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. Making time to get away from what you are used to in life builds a new sense of appreciation for your home.

4. The food: Let's face it. Traveling is the perfect opportunity to pig out on new and exciting foods. Traveling allows you to get away from the food you eat everyday and your towns local fast food for awhile. Remind your senses of all the different things the world has to offer. This is a perfect opportunity to open your mind to different cultures and see what their favorite snacks are.

5. Remind yourself what you want out of life: Getting away from college and family can help give you and your mind free thinking time. Traveling is the best way to allow yourself to put the world into perspective. Without people at home telling you what you should do with your life, this is a time to think on your own. Remind yourself that life is short and you can be free to explore and make the most of it.

6. Put away Pinterest: On Pinterest, some of the most popular tags involve traveling and exploration. Looking at the pictures and dreaming of going to these beautiful places will not fill the same sense of exploration as actually going and experiencing them with your own senses. Make it a goal to culture yourself and your senses and actually go make memories at the places you dream of seeing.

7. You can always make cannot always make memories: No amount of money is worth not experiencing new adventures. Think about it this way. Have you ever heard someone say, "Wow I wish I had not traveled to Hawaii and saved that money instead." People think back on their experiences and want to relive them. This allows you to tell the stories that few can tell.

8. Get out of your comfort zone: The farther you go, the more you find out about yourself. Traveling allows you to get out of your comfort zone to figure out the things you are comfortable with that you did not even know. You might be more adventurous than you think, but before you take on an adventure how would you know?

9. You won't regret it.

                                  *basic reasons are as follows.

   1. Provides learning and education about places and history

2. Connects us to other cultures and people

3. Slows us down: Gives us a break from our fast-paced lives

4. Expands our awareness and introduces us to greater diversity

5. Helps us break habits: mentally, physically, and emotionally

6. Gives us time to heal, reduces stress and helps us regain enthusiasm for life

7.Stokes curiosity and awakens our inner child by offering us new, “first-time” experiences

8. Promotes patience by releasing heavy expectations of the “one right way” mentality thereby allowing life to flow more organically

9. Invites the opportunity to get lost and face one’s fears of the unknown

10. Helps you get to know yourself better: the true you is rediscovered

Thank you. (keep travelling)

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About Me

Just one second, and you can change. I am a simple guy with transparency, trying to bring change within myself and the people around me through optimism. By profession I am a trekking guide seeking adventure in life, exploring new ideologies, thoughts, views and passion in life. I see a lot of scope for myself as a tourism entrepreneur by the reason of my love, passion and respect for the sector “tourism in Nepal” “LENS” is a key source of happiness in my life, I love to capture moments in my lens and be captured as a moment in the lens. I am highly ardent towards the field of modeling and fashion. I love to explore myself and develop myself as a person every day. I want to fly in life, run towards my goal and even want to fall down being a failure but I just don’t want to give up from the challenges I encounter in life and go on achieving my goals. I don’t want to take a pause in life. I am trying to be a arousing speaker, I can see that I can bring change through my voice and grab a lot of attention through the voice I raise.
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